Meet Shannon Sanzone! Shannon will be working with Vive Peru, helping women who are learning new skills to enable them to become more independent. Continue reading to learn more about Shannon!


What motivated you to sign up for Venture with Impact?

"I have always wanted to volunteer abroad….when I came across VWI on Instagram I immediately was intrigued. I went to the website, and then contacted Ann. Nearly 6 months has past and finally the timing was right to participate in June." 


Have you ever lived abroad before? If yes, where/how long?

"I did an excerpted semester abroad in England for 2 months many years ago. I traveled the English countryside, was down in Brighton, and then landed in London for the last month." 


Did you have a remote position prior to joining Venture with Impact?

"I work for myself and so as long as I have solid wifi and printing options, or able to buy or bring a printer, Ill be fine."


Please describe what you will be doing for your volunteer experience and how it aligns with your current or previous professional experience.

"I will be working with Vive Peru, and mentoring 12 women/working moms who need to learn new skills to enable them to become more sustainable and independent.  I will be instructing them in embroidery and hand sewing, basic pattern drafting, and business development and consulting. I hope to stay in touch via Skype, and maybe even come back 2-3 times per year to “check in on them” so to speak. Maintaining this relationship is key to ensure success.  I hope to create business for the women by setting up a US partnership... If I can create a solid fair trade business partnership with Vive Peru and boutiques in NY, or with designers in the US, then mission accomplished. Lets see how far we can take this!"


Have you done much international travel prior to Venture with Impact?

"My international travel is not too much: Bermuda with my family, DR with my husband last year, and also to Sicily last year to visit my in-laws. And then of course, England for school, as previously mentioned."


What are you excited about most with your experience with VWI?

"I'm just excited to get away. This is a soul cleansing experience. I want to experience working abroad independently as an experiment. And most importantly, I am beyond excited to volunteer. I'm helping people. This is a lifetime dream of mine. All in all its a give-give experience."


What is the weirdest food you have ever eaten?

"Weird food? I don't eat meat so that eliminates a lot… I would have to say, cactus tacos. And thats not even too weird! They were really good!"