There are so many reasons to travel at any point in your life.  People travel for business.  People travel for leisure.  People travel to make new memories.  Wherever you travel, whenever you travel, make sure you travel when you're young. 

Traveling changes the way you relate to the world

Sometimes growing up in the same town or living in the same place all of your life, it's hard to envision something different and step outside of that bubble.  If you don't step outside of this bubble while you're young, you have less desire to venture outside of your bubble later in life. 


Traveling changes the way you relate to others

When you travel, you immerse yourself in other cultures.  Most countries have a slightly different culture.  By traveling somewhere new, you're able to experience different cultures and are able to appreciate and understand the different values and people.


Traveling makes you humble

News flash: it's not all about you.  Traveling helps you appreciate what is important and gives you so many different reasons of why you should be thankful for the life you have.

Huanchaco, Peru

Traveling forces you to become more independent

Traveling as a young adult is very different from your family vacation to Disney when you were six.  You don't have your parents to hold your hand and you are able to make your own decisions.  Being this independent helps mold your street smarts as well as your organization skills.


Traveling helps you master the art of budgeting your money

Don't have much to spend?  Not a problem. Traveling can be so affordable for young adults with the use of hostels and a little bit of research skills.  You learn how to get the best deal at a flea market, along with how to live up that champaign taste on a beer budget.


Travel because you're in tip top shape

You're young.  You're in shape.  You (hopefully) don't have bad joints and are able to walk around the city without it being to taxing on your body.  Go on adventures -- skydive, parachute, zip line! Your body is at its prime.  Use it!

Sandboarding the Conache Sand dunes

Traveling helps you make new friends

Traveling alone gives you endless opportunities to meet new friends and expand your social circles.  Your new friends may live in far away places and gives you the perfect excuse for your next vacation.  Looking to meet other travelers in your next destination? Make sure to check out Meeple.

Sandboarding the Conache sand dunes

Traveling helps you discover your calling

There are so many young adults who graduate from college and ask themselves the question, "Now what?" Young adults who may feel completely lost and just not quite sure what they want to do with their lives.  Going on a solo trip may just be the answer to help you figure out what you're passionate about and how you want to spend the rest of your life.


Travel because nothing big will hold you back

As a wanderlust twenty something, you don't have much that is keeping you in one place.  The older you get, the more responsibilities you may have, such as a marriage, children, a mortgage and huge assets.  It won't be as easy to drop everything and go on an adventure. 

Beautiful scenery

Travel because there's plenty of booze and foreign food

You're young and your metabolism is at its prime.  Indulge in those mouthwatering foreign foods and alcoholic foreign beverages without having to worry about gaining an extra few pounds.


Travel because you'll look great in a swimming suit

Do I need to explain this? You're young.  You're hot.  You'll never look better in your swimming suit than you do right now. 

Swimming and mud mask

Travel to accumulate stories

When you're old and grey, you want to be able to have a pocketful of stories to share with your kids and grandkids.  Traveling will give you two pockets full to share now and for years to come.


Traveling empowers you to take on new challenges

Sometimes, life gets stressful and all you need is to take a step back.  You may need a new perspective, a break or a breather.  Taking a step back to travel will help you come back and give you the ability to tackle new challenges in your life head on.


Traveling pushes your educational horizons

When you travel, you get a new appreciation for history by seeing things you've only ever heard of or seen in a textbook.  Traveling makes history come alive and educates you far better than the four walls of a classroom ever could.


Traveling is a fun way to learn more about the world

Why just hear about it, when you can learn about it in person.  What better way to learn about something than to actually experience it in real life.


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