Speaking to your Employer about Venture with Impact

Make your employer as psyched as you are for Venture with Impact. 

You are about to embark on an incredible adventure.  Venture with Impact can be just as valuable for your employer as it is for you.  We want to help you convince them with these tips.  Once you've thought through your pitch, we recommend creating a written business case and communicating your case through at least one of these methods:

  • Presentation
  • One-on-one conversation
  • Email

1. WHO? - Who do you need to speak with about participating in Venture with Impact? 

2. WHAT/WHERE/WHEN? - Explain what Venture with Impact is and where you will be going

  • Venture with Impact organizes the housing, travel, and volunteer experiences for a group of professionals that live in different countries for a period of two months in each country.
  • In each location, participants work remotely for their jobs in the United States in a workspace provided by Venture with Impact
    • The workspace and accommodation includes reliable internet, 24/7
  • During their free time they will engage in volunteer work with a partner organization, forming relationships and building experiences in the process.
  • Throughout the program, Venture with Impact, will also provide additional activities including weekend trips, weekly dinners, community lectures, and cultural events.
  • Venture with Impact provides 24/7 support so that participants can focus on their careers and continue their professional development.
  • Venture with Impact participants have the ability to leave and travel at anytime throughout the program.
  • Here are the details to share with your employer

3. WHY - Explain why Venture with Impact is valuable to you and to your employer

Personal Reasons - Think of reasons that are important to you, and will also make you a better employee for your company

  • Providing a social impact to underdeveloped communities
  • Networking with professionals from a variety of backgrounds and industries
  • Learning and understanding diverse cultures
  • Exposure to new types of work experiences through volunteering
  • Learning about local, national and worldwide organizations and industries

Company Reasons - Use your company's mission and values (often found on their website) to explain how they will benefit in you participating in Venture with Impact

  • Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)/Social Good - Participants volunteer almost daily with a partner non-profit organization.  As a company that has employees participating in Venture with Impact, [your company name] is displaying responsibility towards the global community and environment (both ecological and social)
  • Professional Development & Diverse Perspectives - The program allows for participants to be exposed to different ideas within the non-profit organization they volunteer with, as well as the community they live in.  They will also spend time with other seasoned professionals from a variety of backgrounds that work in a variety of industries.
  • Recruitment & Retention - Potential employees may be more likely to choose [your company name] over other job offers, and sets [your company name] apart from its competitors because [your company name] allows remote work.  Additionally, by allowing participation in Venture with Impact your current employees have the opportunity to achieve their desires of traveling and volunteering without quitting their jobs or taking long periods of time off of work.
  • Potential Press & PR Opportunities - As a company that allows their employees to participate in Venture with Impact, [your company name] is able to advertise themselves as a socially-minded company that encourages volunteering and learning opportunities for their employees.  Additionally, as a Venture with Impact participant, I will have a bio featured on their website with information about my employer. 

4. HOW - Explain how you will be able to participate in Venture with Impact while working for your employer

  • Schedule - Explain your work schedule throughout the program
    • Trujillo, Peru is on Eastern Standard Time (EST) for the months of January and February
    • Volunteering and other activities are personalized for each individual participant to serve their work schedule
  • Communication - Explain the methods of communication you will use throughout the program
    • Skype
    • Slack
    • WhatsApp
    • GoToMeeting
    • Google Hangouts
    • Etc.
  • Concerns
    • Internet - we guarantee reliable internet connections 24/7 and backup internet for peace of mind
    • Time Zone - Trujillo, Peru aligns with Eastern Standard Time (EST) during the months of January and February
    • Work/Travel - Venture with Impact participants are able to leave the program at anytime in order to travel back to the United States or other areas outside of Peru
    • Safety - The health, well-being and safety of participants is the top priority of Venture with Impact. We have many local liaisons in each of our locations, who keep participants informed and updated on the latest news.  Our staff is on hand 24/7 to ensure that participants are well taken care of.  We also have relationships with members of the local government and country embassies.  We also subscribe to International SOS, the market leader in security and emergency response. 
    • Cost - There is no cost to [your company name] to participate in Venture with Impact.